
I'm Coralie, Iʼm a freelance graphic and motion designer, art director & illustrator,
based in Brussels, Belgium.

I focus on graphic communication, illustration and visual storytelling through design
& motion for projects in science communication, sustainability and social impact.
I work on a freelance basis and balance client work with personal projects.

I particularly love to work with complex topics that need to be translated into a meaningful narrative and I strongly believe visual communication can make a real impact in delivering a message or conveying a certain vibe. 

Together with NGO's, agencies & researchers I build communication tools that help us to achieve the Sustainable Developement Goals (SDG's) & Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG's) and reach policy makers, practioners and the general public. I'm passionate about collaborating with my clients to help them create a green transformation.

I also work as part of the team at Azote and am a proud member of ECOS.
You can also find me on Rolo, a platform for creative talents. 

Contact me if you want to know more about my services or just want to say hello! 
I'm also available for keynotes around my work and visual storytelling. 

How visual storytelling can help create impact

I got invited by the Stockholm Environment Institute to give a 20 minute keynote on how visual storytelling can help scientists create more impact with their research. Through different projects I explain the process of creating a visual communication tool that helps to create a wider reach with the scientific research and to reach the right people to help create change in the world.

Bring your ideas to life

Together with Roxy Velez (Vexquisit Studio) and Yusef Najafi, I talked about my creative process and how we go from idea to concept to design & animation in this workshop organized by the nice folks over at School of Motion. 




Clear communication is key for me. It's the foundation for everything and makes things more effective and enjoyable. Open and honest communication leaves both parties knowing what they can expect and helps to build a sustainable relationship. 



Together we can achieve more. We can create better results when people come together and share their knowledge to reach a common goal. Having diversity in perspectives benefits a project and makes it more inclusive. Connecting with others to collaborate and grow together is fuel to my creativity.



Respect for each others beliefs, capabilities and work is important for a sustainable collaboration. Being considerate of words and actions, keeping an open mind and practising empathy go a long way.



Let's have fun! Having fun really lifts my creativity to another level. Play and room for experimentation can lead to new findings and learnings. Staying motivated is also a lot easier when I enjoy what I'm doing.



Sustainability in my lifestyle choices but also in the relationships I cultivate. I enjoy working long term with clients and to build a sustainable working relationship together.

What my clients say

“Coralie ended up being a perfect fit for this collaboration. From our first brain-storming sessions, she proved to be a very open-minded person, accepting of my ideas and views while simultaneously providing me with her expert expertise on what works and doesn't work in the world of design and visualization. Throughout the process, she has been extremely organized, structured, flexible and hard-working. Working together on this project has been not only an enjoyableand exciting experience, but also one with outcomes that are very useful to my work.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jessica Spijkers - Dr. in Sustainable Science

Contact me

Want to discuss a project or to learn more about my services?
Email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you!


[email protected] | © Coralie Legrand 2022

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